Security Clarification on E-mails | Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers Manufacturer | Perfect Welding

Security Clarification on E-mails | Perfect Welding Tech. Co., Ltd. specialize in the design, manufacture, installation, maintenance and repair of super alloyed equipment made of Titanium, Niobium, Zirconium, Tantalum, Hastelloy, Inconel, Nickel and Monel.

Security Clarification on E-mails

2016/12/13 Perfect Welding Tech. Co., Ltd.

Dear valued friends and customers,

If the following email was received, please do not open it. There are two ongoing incidents that have been brought to our attention.

1.Somebody faked our company identity to send virus emails using addresses. For this, please check the emails and make sure it comes from

2. Somebody circumvented our email authentication to send emailson behalf of For this, we have upgraded our authentication systems, so there's no required action on your part. We have taken all the security measures to enhance our email system. If there are any questions, please contact us.

We would also appreciate that you forward any suspicious emails to so we can report this fraud activity to the local authorities.


如果您接收到郵件以 結尾,請不要開啟附件或連結

1. 有不明人士假冒本公司的名義用 “” 結尾的電子郵件,寄病毒郵件我們一些客戶,請確認屬名 柏夫企業的email 地址都是從 結尾的電子郵件寄出。

2. 為了因應此網路攻擊本公司已經報警處理並重新升級了防衛系統,如果有任何問題請跟本公司聯絡,並請將可疑信件寄來 讓我們可以跟執法單位舉證。




Chungho Lien 


Perfect Welding Technology Company.  

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